

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Short Summary about Yellow Fever (Demam Kuning)

Yellow Fever is acute systemic disease caused by a virus called Flavivirus. This virus infection causes :

  • A high fever
  • Bleeding into the skin
  • Necrosis (death) of cells in the kidneys and liver

The damage done to the liver from the virus results in severe jaundice which yellows the skin.Today yellow fever is common in tropical areas of Africa and America. The virus of yellow fever is transmitted in most cases by a mosquito bite. In urban settings, yellow fever may be transmitted from person to person by Aedes aegypti. There is no cure for yellow fever, although antiviral drugs have been tried. Pain relievers non-aspirin, rest, and rehydration with fluids can reduce discomfort. The disease usually passes within a few weeksYellow fever can be prevented by vaccination. Yellow fever vaccine is exist attenuated virus vaccine. It is recommended for persons traveling to or living in tropical areas in the Americas and Africa where yellow fever occurs. Because it is a live vaccine, it should not be given to babies or people with minimum immune systems.

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