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Senin, 10 November 2014

Indahnya Alam Asia (Part 1)

Untuk teman-teman yang mempunyai keinginan liburan ke luar negeri namun tidak terlalu jauh dari Indonesia, beberapa dari tempat ini bisa menjadi rekomendasi untuk anda. Banyak tempat wisata di Asia yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Dijamin teman-teman tidak akan menyesal untuk berwisata ke tempat-tempat ini. Daripada lama-lama mari kita mulai..........
Sebelumnya saya tidak akan membahas tentang Singapura karena di entri sebelumnya sudah pernah ada jadi gapapa yaa guys :D

1. Phuket, Thailand

Tujuan wisata ini paling populer di Thailand. Phuket dikenal sebagai “Mutiara dari Selatan”. Phuket menawarkan berbagai restoran dengan makanan terbaik Thailand. Pemandangan yang begitu indah akan menyegarkan kembali diri teman-teman dari kelelahan aktivitas rutin sebelumnya.

2. Chocolate Hills, Filipina

The Chocolate Hills adalah formasi geologi yang tidak biasa yang terdiri dari setidaknya 1.268 gundukan individu yang tersebar di seluruh interior pulau Bohol. Chocolate Hills ini adalah formasi batuan lapuk dari jenis batu kapur laut di atas lapisan kedap air dari tanah liat. Pemandangan menakjubkan ini dapat dijadikan objek lukisan yang baik untuk teman-teman yang senang melukis.

3. Ha long Bay, Vietnam

Ha long Bay atau Teluk Ha Long menawarkan pemandangan berupa laguna hijau yang berhiaskan tebing-tebing kapur besar. Teluk Ha Long diterjemahkan sebagai "Teluk Descending Dragons" atau teluk naga. Teluk ini memiliki ribuan pulau, yang mana di masing-masing wilayah ketinggiannya memiliki vegetasi hutan yang sangat lebat, serta pulau berlubang dengan gua-gua yang besar. Histori tempat ini melegenda, karena nama yang di sematkan merupakan cerita rakyat dan menjadi kepercayaan penduduk di sekitar teluk.

4. Koh Rong, Kamboja

Pulau Koh Rong berada di pesisir selatan Kamboja. Di Koh Rong terdapat sekitar 23 pantai berpasir putih indah. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin bertualang, bisa menjelajahi jalur trekking menuju hutannya. Diving dan snorkeling baik dilakukan disini karena lautnya masih sangat jernih sehingga dapat dilihat dengan jelas terumbu karang dan ikan-ikan yang begitu indah.

5. Luang Prabang, Laos

Laos mempunyai tempat yang menarik untuk berwisata. Luang Prabang dulunya dikenal sebagai ibukota Laos namun sekarang menjadi kota istimewa yang tercatat sebagai salah satu Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO. Daya tarik kota Luang Prabang terletak pada kehadiran bangunan-bangunan kayu yang memiliki gaya arsitektur Laos dengan sedikit sentuhan Eropa. Keistimewaan lainnya ada pada 2 aliran sungai yang membentengi kota di sisi kanan dan kiri.

Sampai disini dulu ya teman-teman, ntar bakalan dilanjutkan lagi di part 2 nya ....

Senin, 16 April 2012

Kulit Putih Alami ala Para Wanita Asia

Hello guys ! Long time no post, miss me yaa?? oh noprob, today i will post something important for you especially for women. Check this out ! Sorry for today, i used indonesian language...
Wanita yang tinggal di iklim tropis sering ingin kulitnya tampil lebih putih atau cerah. Polusi, paparan sinar matari, dan faktor-faktor lainnya dapat membuat kulit semakin gelap. Tapi mengapa banyak wanita asia yg kulitnya tetap putih dan cerah? Rahasianya ga susah loh, kita hanya butuh beberapa bahan alami seperti :

  • Kentang 
Kentang bukan bahan alami yang asing untuk kulit. Parutlah kentang, lalu remas atau haluskan. Setelah itu, oleskan pada wajah hingga kering. Setelah kering, ulangi lagi prosesnya hingga mencapai tiga lapisan. Diamkan sampai 15 menit lalu bilas dengan air dingin. Cara kedua: Kupas kentang lalu iris tipis-tipis, lalu tempelkan ke wajah dan diamkan selama 15 menit. Setelah itu cuci bersih wajah. Kentang mengandung enzim catecholase yang bisa membantu mencerahkan kulit. 

  • Pepaya 
Enzim papain yang terkandung dalam pepaya sangat bermanfaat untuk kulit. Enzim ini bisa membantu mempercepat proses pergantian sel dan kulit. Selain bisa mencerahkan wajah, enzim ini juga dipercaya dapat menyamarkan noda hitam. Campurkan pepaya yang sudah dihaluskan dengan madu. Gunakan kain bersih dan rendam dalam air hangat. Peras kain bersih lalu sebarkan campuran pepaya di atas kain. Letakkan kain di atas wajah yang sudah dicuci bersih. Diamkan selama 20 menit lalu cuci dengan air hangat. Terakhir, bilas dengan air dingin untuk menutup pori-pori. Gunakan seminggu sekali untuk mendapatkan kulit yang cerah. 

  • Ketimun 
Sayuran hijau ini kaya akan antioksidan, vitamin, dan mineral. Selain untuk mencerahkan kulit wajah, ketimun juga bisa digunakan untuk mencerahkan kulit ketiak yang menghitam. Tempelkan jus parutan ketimun pada wajah dan leher. Untuk efek lebih segar, simpan ketimun dalam kulkas satu malam sebelumnya. Kantung mata yang menghitam juga bisa dengan mudah diatasi dengan irisan ketimun yang dingin dan segar. Iris menyilang ketimun lalu tutupi mata Anda dengan potongan ketimun. Diamkan selama 15-20 menit sambil bersantai.

  • Beras 
Beras sejak lama dikenal sebagai rahasia kecantikan wanita Asia. Dikombinasikan dengan susu, beras bisa menjadi ramuan pencerah wajah yang alami. Tumbuk beras hingga berbentuk bubuk lalu campurkan dengan susu atau air bersih secukupnya hingga kental. Tempelkan ke wajah seperti menggunakan masker. Diamkan 15-20 menit lalu cuci dengan air dingin. Beras memiliki kandungan PABA (para aminobenzoic acid) yang tinggi. PABA bisa berfungsi sebagai tabir surya yang baik. Selain itu, beras juga mengandung asam ferulis yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan dan allantonin yang bisa mempercepat proses perbaikan kulit. 

  • Tomat 
Kandungan lycopene dalam tomat berfungsi sebagai pencerah kulit alami. Mengonsumsi tomat juga bisa mengurangsi sensitivitas kulit terhadap sinar UV yang bisa merusak kulit. Kandungan lycopene dalam buah tomat bisa membuat kulit cerah, terlindung dari radikal bebas, dan meningkatkan produksi tabir surya alami pada kulit. Untuk mencerahkan kulit ketiak yang menghitam, potong tomat menjadi dua lalu tempelkan dengan gerakan melingkar pada ketiak. Lakukan ini selama 15 menit lalu cuci bersih. Ritual ini bisa dilakukan setiap hari.
Sedangkan untuk wajah, parut tomat hingga bisa digunakan sebagai masker. Biarkan mengering lalu tempelkan ulang hingga membentuk tiga lapisan. Diamkan selama 20 menit lalu cuci dengan air dingin. Lakukan perawatan ini secara teratur untuk hasil yang maksimal. 

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

DON'T be stuffed shirt

Hello bloggers ! HELLO MARCH !
I just met people who are high hats. They thaught that they were very great at all such as in music and vocal. But you know? the fact is they are nothing. Their voice is just ordinary and no specialty. So why they must be arrogant? Just ask them....
Sometimes, your arrogancy doesn't seem directly to another person. But to detect is he/she high and mighty or not, you can read this post.

Detect someone who wrapped in cellphone....

  • Pay attention to their conversations

Be courteous with all of your communications.
Arrogance and smugness is often a reflection of limited life experience, and feeling concerned that those with greater life experience "have got something over them". Rather than seeking to find out more through questions and learning (actions viewed by them as showing vulnerability), arrogant people tend to generalize from their limited, narrow life experiences and try to impose their small worldview on others.
Jealousy of your achievements or seeming lifestyle can cause another person to feel smug or arrogant about something they think they do better than you or own/have that you don't.
Arrogant people have an extremely strong need to look good. When you make them look bad- even if it is the slightest offence- they will usually be very mad at you. This happens when you question (or at least seem to question) their appearance, intelligence, athletic abilities, or anything else relating to their self-image.
  • Challenge their worldview
Try to understand different viewpoints.
Don't be aggressive––just sceptical and curious. If they get upset, gauge their anger. If it's minimal, they may be simply having a bad day. But if they're enraged, then they may see you as questioning their 'perfect little world.' And having one of those is usually indicative of arrogance.
At some point or another, most people realise that the world doesn't revolve around them. Arrogant people counteract this by creating an atmosphere that centres around them, and get angry if they're reminded of the real world.
Ambiguity frightens arrogant people because it suggests imperfection, change and lack of certainty (realities we all must contend with as best we can). As such, instead of accepting that the world behaves randomly and at times totally averse to one's preferences, the arrogant person seeks to control everything and everyone, which of course, is an impossible mission.
Reality hurts when it intrudes; as such, an arrogant person is less likely than other people to self-reflect or analyse, thereby not seeing their own imperfections. They may also give themselves undue credit for positive achievements instead of acknowledging the input of others or of circumstances.

  • Learn the quality of their friendships. 
Fair weather friends aren't very reliable.
Don't be nosy or gossipy, but if they are happy with someone one day and hateful with them the next, that's a sign of them having a lot of fair weather friends. That's a sign of arrogance, since it is very hard to be a truly good friend to someone who's stuck on themselves. Prideful people have a strong need to look good, and being self-sufficient is an effective way to do that. Since being a good friend to someone usually means helping them, they often can't stand the thought of a good friendship.
Ironically, arrogant people often can't understand why they don't have any reliable and supportive friends.
  • How do they treat those not like themselves?
Don't hate others simply because they differ from you.
In other words, how do they treat those with different beliefs, cultural backgrounds and ways of seeing the world? If it's inherently negative, then they're either over-zealous, ignorant of other people or what to avoid those that contradict their fantasy land that caters to them and them only. Determine this based on their general personality and the people they're interacting with.
Many times prideful people have a serious 'my-way's-the-only-way' attitude. This is simply a protective mechanism for their false image or their fantasy land.
  • What's their personality like?
Don't lose your cool easily.
Take note of how they act, talk, and use their social status. Do they have a general sense of 'coolness?' Are they a chatterbox? Do they act like they own the place, or act like the 'big dog?' Are they very keen on their self-image?
Many arrogant people have a false charm that no one seems to see through. But the arrogant person is usually more than happy to show their cruel side to those that they don't like.
When they are cruel, their friends will usually ignore it or not do anything to stop it since they're afraid that they'll be treated badly by their 'friend'.

  • Mention people you know that they don't like
Pride always comes before a fall
This isn't meant to begin a conflict, but to gauge their rivalries, annoyances and enmities. If their condemnation seems to be reasonable, they probably aren't hubristic. If it's harsh, they are.
For the most part, arrogant people see people that they don't like as threats to their perfect little world. The more they hate someone, the more dangerous that person is to their fantasy land. And in turn, the bigger the threat, the harsher the criticism.

  • Ask around to see what they've been saying about you
Beware of backstabbing!
If they have been saying bad things about you, they may simply not like you. If they're nice to your face, but talk bad about you behind your back like it's their favourite hobby, then they probably have a problem with pride.
Arrogant people often subconsciously know that they don't have any good friends. They compensate for this by creating the impression that they have a lot of friends- they have a 'quantity, not quality' mentality. Then they simply insult their trophy friends when they aren't looking.
  • Be compassionate
Don't be judgmental of arrogant people or you risk having as negative an outlook as they do. Arrogant people are often trying to hide certain vulnerabilities and fears. Most of the time, the need for a strong and unquestionable self-image comes out of deeply rooted pain. Obviously, you also don't need to be taken in by their claims to be superior over you. Stay principled and detached. But you can reach out and see the genuine good in them and praise what is real, rather than perceived or forced, talent. Sometimes having someone push through the brusqueness can free the arrogant person to be much truer to themselves, allowing them to stop shielding themselves so fiercely.
An enormous amount of vulnerability tends to hide behind arrogance. This leads to overcompensating, so that the vulnerability is deeply suppressed. For example, if an arrogant person grew up poor but later becomes rich, he or she may be snobbish about everything they can now afford because they are covering up the fear of poverty from the past.

  • There's a big difference between being assertive and being arrogant. Equally, some people are very anxious rather than arrogant, and it is anxiety that causes them to dominate a conversation or to try and prove themselves as good as you. You can tell the difference by looking for empathy. An assertive or nervous person will check for your responses and even ask questions, while an arrogant person will ignore your needs and you completely and will continue to lack respect for your perspective.
  • Stay away from arrogant people as much as you can. They can cause you a lot of pain in your life. On the other hand, learning to deal with them in short bursts is a useful skill that can help you get on board good people in teams, at work, in sports, etc., provided they are aware that you won't tolerate their smug shenanigans. It doesn't always do to run away from others or you could be running all your life!
  • When it comes to dealing with arrogant people, they nearly always have something to protect: either their self-image or their self-centred universe. If they get the impression that you're questioning either one, they will dislike you. Learn to live with that because it isn't about you at all; it's totally about their inability to control you.
NB :
Honesty, integrity, and accountability, the values, which should be the hallmark of this government, have instead been thrown under the bus by an arrogant majority, casualties in a misguided campaign to shield from accountability those who abuse this House.
Arrogant people usually don't have truly good friends. Remember this when you wish you were as 'popular' as they are.

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


Hell-o Bloggers !
Long time no see ya... Pasti semuanya udah kangen samaku *kepedean*
Biasalah org sibuk, banyak skripsi yg harus diselesaikan #what?
Oke, to the point aja kali ya.. Hari ini aku akan post tentang kota lahirku, that is absolutely Bandung !

What is it? Of course, The capital of West Java...
It is also the largest city of fashion in Indonesia because lots of mall, boutiques and fashion outlets are there.
If you are girls or people who likes shopping very much, you must go to this place. Lots of things will attract you to buy them. Don't forget to bring a lot of money too, because you can't buy anything without money #matre.
Alright friends, for this posting i won't use english language caused i wanna tell you about a city in Indonesia, so I have to write indonesia language. But it's not actually the main language, but i will use BAHASA GAWL INDONESIA for this post.. #hellyeah-_-
If you are foreign visitors and you don't understand my language, but you want to know more about Bandung. Don't worry, you can search from google "BANDUNG".. It will show you about Bandung by english language.

First of all,
Bandung itu kota kedua keluargaku setelah Medan (kota tempat tinggal kami).
Why?... Soalnya universitas ortu sama abg gue disini dan aku juga berharap nantinya akan kuliah disini. Selain itu, nyokap bokap gue juga ketemunya disini sebelum "berjalan ke pelaminan". Papaku punya kantor pusatnya disini nih. Jadi tiap tahun pasti ke Bandung. Sedangkan gue dilahirkan di Kota yang terkenal dengan bahasa sundanya ini. #emangadaygnanya?-_-

Kota Bandung itu jaraknya 140 km sebelah tenggara Jakarta. Jadi Kalo mau dari Jakarta ke Bandung paling lama 30 menit. Tp kalo loe udah ketemuan sama yang namanya "macet" #kebiasaanjakarta... Yah tergantung macetnya, bisa aja sampe 3 hari 3 malam, loe ga bakalan sampai ke bandung #lebay--".
Di kota yang bersejarah ini, berdiri sebuah perguruan tinggi teknik pertama di Indonesia (TECHNISCE HOOGESCHOOL, sekarang ITB).
Ini nih universitas paling digemari masyarakat Indonesia. Bahkan ga cuma orang indonesia aja, orang luar negeri juga ngebet pingin masuk sini. Masuk universitas ini itu, butuh kerja keras dan harus rajin serajin-rajinnya. Karna saingan untuk masuknya itu banyak banget dan semuanya itu pintar-pintar, Jadi ga sembarangan masuk. Kalo loe orang kaya dan tukang nyogok, sori deh ITB ga balakan masukin loe. Disini itu tempat belajar orang yang punya keinginan belajar tinggi bukan tempat belajar orang yang malas dan cuma mengandalkan harta orangtuanya. Universitas ini itu, universitas abangku. Gue sih ga heran, dia itu rajinnya gausah dibilang lagi lah. Jadi sah-sah aja kalo dia lulus Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi ITB.
Ga cuma ITB, Bandung juga punya UNPAD atau bahasa gawlnya UNIVERSITAS PADJAJARAN #what?. Ini nih universitas mamaku.
 UNPAD ini udah terkenal lama dan biasanya mahasiswanya  itu semua anak-anak gawl indonesia tapi ga brandalan atau sembarangan juga. Selain kedua universitas itu masih banyak juga yang lain. Tapi gue bahas yang paling terkenal aja deh ya #capekngetik-_-.

Dalam sejarah Indonesia, Bandung ini pernah menjadi :
  • Ajang pertempuran pada masa kemerdekaan
  • Tempat berlangsungnya Konferensi Asia-Afrika 1955
  • Tempat pertemuan yang menyuarakan semangat anti kolonialisme
Bahkan Perdana Menteri India Jawaharlal Nehru dalam pidatonya mengatakan bahwa Bandung adalah ibu kotanya Asia-Afrika.
Pada tahun 1990 kota Bandung menjadi salah satu kota teraman di dunia berdasarkan survei majalah Time. Tapi itu dulu, why?.. Karna sekarang, bandung itu kebalikan dari kota teraman. Pencuri, perampok, pembunuh, dan semua orang-orang kriminal lainnya tersebar di Bandung. Sebetulnya bukan cuma Bandung aja sih, semua kota di Indonesia juga seperti itu. Maklumlah keamanan untuk jaman sekarang ini sudah sulit dicapai. Akibat ketidakadanya pemerataan pendapatan di suatu negara dan sifat selalu merasa belum puas oleh setiap orang membuat hal-hal yang kriminal pun terjadi. Itu semua dilalukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan mencapai tingkat kepuasan setiap individu #anakekonomi:p.
Selain menjadi The Largest City of Fashion in Indonesia, Bandung juga terkenal dengan sebutan KOTA KEMBANG. Why?.. karena pada zaman dulu kota ini dinilai sangat cantik dengan banyaknya pohon-pohon dan bunga-bunga yang tumbuh disana. Selain itu, kota ini juga dipanggil dengan PARIJS van JAVA karna keindahannya. Saat ini kota Bandung merupakan salah satu kota tujuan utama pariwisata dan pendidikan.
Bicara soal penduduk, Kota Bandung merupakan kota terpadat dan terbesar keempat di Indonesia setelah Jakarta, Surabaya dan Medan. Sekitar 76,53% penduduk Kota Bandung adalah etnis Sunda. Jadi kalo lagi jalan-jalan ke Bandung, minimal kita harus bersama dengan penduduk lokal disana satu orang. Karna penduduk Bandung itu lebih cenderung memakai bahasa sunda jika berkomunikasi dengan semua orang (tanpa mengetahui orang itu bersuku Sunda atau tidak). Atau kalo kita juga mengerti sedikit-sedikit bahasa sunda, itu tidak masalah. Selain sunda, Bandung juga Diikuti oleh suku Jawa (12,68%) yang kebanyakan berasal dari Jawa Tengah. Sedangkan orang-orang Sumatera, terutama orang Minang dan Batak merupakan etnis minoritas yang cukup besar di kota ini. Karna biasanya orang-orang sumatera yang berada di tempat ini cenderung hanya untuk kuliah atau bekerja di Bandung. Tetapi untuk tinggal/menetap disana jarang sekali.
Selain menjadi kota wisata belanja, kota Bandung juga dikenal dengan sejumlah besar bangunan lama berarsitektur peninggalan Belanda, diantaranya :
  • Gedung Sate sekarang berfungsi sebagai kantor pemerintah provinsi Jawa Barat.
  • Gedung Pakuan yang sekarang menjadi tempat tinggal resmi gubernur provinsi Jawa Barat.
  • Gedung Dwi Warna atau Indische Pensioenfonds sekarang digunakan oleh Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia untuk Kantor Wilayah XII Ditjen Pembendaharaan Bandung.
Kota ini memiliki beberapa kawasan yang menjadi taman kota, selain berfungsi sebagai paru-paru kota juga menjadi tempat rekreasi bagi masyarakat di kota ini. What are they?...
Kebun Binatang Bandung merupakan salah satu kawasan wisata yang sangat diminati oleh masyarakat terutama pada saat hari minggu maupun libur sekolah, kebun binatang ini diresmikan pada tahun 1933 oleh pemerintah kolonial Hindia-Belanda. Jadi kalo mau ketemu dengan nenek moyang kita ataupun kembaran kita tetapi berbeda susunan gen #anakbiologi:p, banyak nih disini #what?.
Kawasan wisata lain seperti pusat perbelanjaan maupun factory outlet juga tersebar di kota ini diantaranya, di kawasan Jalan Braga, kawasan Cihampelas, Cibaduyut dengan pengrajin sepatunya dan Cigondewah dengan pedagang tekstilnya.
Puluhan pusat perbelanjaan sudah tersebar di kota Bandung, beberapa di antaranya Istana Plaza Bandung, Bandung Indah Plaza, Paris Van Java Mall, Cihampelas Walk, Bandung Supermal, Bandung Trade Center, Plaza Parahyangan, Balubur Town Square, Dago Plaza dan Metro Trade Centre.
Ada juga pusat rekreasi modern dengan berbagai wahana seperti Trans Studio Resort Bandung yang terletak pada lokasi yang sama dengan Bandung Super Mall. Ini nih Indoor Theme Park terbesar di dunia. Gue udah pernah kesini #bangga, lumayan baguslah tempatnya, ga sia-sia lah 200ribu dari dompet keluar untuk satu orang.
Bandung ini nih kota yang penuh dengan kenangan sejarah perjuangan rakyat Indonesia pada umumnya, karena beberapa monumen telah didirikan dalam memperingati beberapa peristiwa sejarah tersebut, diantaranya Monumen Perjuangan Jawa Barat, Monumen Bandung Lautan Api, Monumen Penjara Banceuy, Monumen Kereta Api dan Taman Makam Pahlawan Cikutra.
Soal kuliner khas Bandung, gue akan kasih beberapa gambarnya :
Peuyeum Bandung
Bandros Bandung
Cendol Bandung
Lotek Bandung
Batagor Bandung
Jangan ngiler yooo :p

Okedeh, Sekian info dari gue tentang Bandung. Lebih jelasnya, loe kan punya internet yah search aja di google, yahoo, bing, etc ......
Jadi tunggu apa lagi nih? Ntar lagi liburan, yakin mau di rumah terus??? betah emangnya??? Ayo dong ke Bandung, ga mahal kok, dijamin gabakalan nyesal kalo udah sampai disana... VISIT BANDUNG 2012 !
Thanks for reading my post friends, hope you like it...
See you for another post, but perhaps i won't be online for someday, so don't miss me yaa.... #pedebanget-_-
Quotes : Life is too short for wasting your time by working continuosly. Sometimes you need to enjoy your life, make it simple and interesting as you can do it. But don't spend it with useless things....

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Vacation !

Hello readers !!!
I am very glad to write this post, why? It's amazing to dream of going to this place. You, You, and all of you didn't need to think hard where will you go for holiday. I will suggest top destination to go for this Christmas and New Year Holiday 
First, turn on your speaker and enjoy this song !

Kay, which country will be the top destination?
of course Singapore !!!!

How is it?
Friends, Singapore is very interest in creating amazing christmas and new year. How i can say that? Because I've ever enjoyed christmas and new year in singapore. You will never be bored and sleepy to see all amazing festival.
Okay then.. first we gonna walk to Orchard Road..
This is so awesome, isn't it? you see the light-up on the road has made up the town of singapore... you can buy a lot of things, because orchard road is full of luxurious malls. You can also see a lot of attraction will be on night christmas eve. So what? It's wonderful yeah....
Kay, Let's go to Marina Bay..
Blue and Gold lights keep your eyes on it. This highest building discover a new beautiful view for the christmas eve. You can go in or just stay out there. Because wherever you are if you around marina bay, you can see this amazing lights-up
Right, Get to the beautiful island, that is SENTOSA ISLAND..
This green beautiful island will brightened your life. You can feel air scattered everywhere. Not only like garden but you can also enjoy the recreation around it. You can go to this place by using a small boat or watercraft. This island will give you surprised holiday ;;)
Then, come and enjoy Merlion Park..
Do you know the signature of singapore? Yeah this is it. The lion means a lot for Singapore. Lion's head represents a lion seemed by Prince Nila Utama when he found back Singapore in 11M, as listed in the "History of Malay". The fish tail of the Merlion symbolizes the ancient city of Temasek which in Javanese means sea. Temasek is the name of this country before the Prince named it "Singapore" that means Lion City in sanskritic.
Afterwards, we will fly in the air, run to Singapore Flyer..
Have you ever seen the biggest and tallest Ferris wheel in the world? This is it. This wheel reaches 42 stories high, with a total height of 165 m. You can see the wonderful view if you go into it. It offers broad views of the city centre and beyond to about 45 km (28 mi), including the Indonesian islands of Batam and Bintan, as well as Johor, Malaysia. So what's again? Enjoy your fly with cheap pays.
Finally, we meet our friends at Singapore Zoo..  *LOL

Have you ever met your oldest friends? You can meet them in there LOL. Tthe Singapore Zoo opened its gates for the first time with a collection of 270 animals from over 72 species, and a staff of 130. By 1990, 1,600 animals from more than 160 species lived in social groups, housed in 65 landscaped exhibits with boundaries conceived to look as natural as possible. Animals are kept in spacious, landscaped enclosures separated from the visitors by either dry or wet moats.

Alright, this all i wanna post, for the end i'm gonna say....


Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Short Summary about Yellow Fever (Demam Kuning)

Yellow Fever is acute systemic disease caused by a virus called Flavivirus. This virus infection causes :

  • A high fever
  • Bleeding into the skin
  • Necrosis (death) of cells in the kidneys and liver

The damage done to the liver from the virus results in severe jaundice which yellows the skin.Today yellow fever is common in tropical areas of Africa and America. The virus of yellow fever is transmitted in most cases by a mosquito bite. In urban settings, yellow fever may be transmitted from person to person by Aedes aegypti. There is no cure for yellow fever, although antiviral drugs have been tried. Pain relievers non-aspirin, rest, and rehydration with fluids can reduce discomfort. The disease usually passes within a few weeksYellow fever can be prevented by vaccination. Yellow fever vaccine is exist attenuated virus vaccine. It is recommended for persons traveling to or living in tropical areas in the Americas and Africa where yellow fever occurs. Because it is a live vaccine, it should not be given to babies or people with minimum immune systems.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

4 ways to detect liars

Hello world ! Do you often lie in your family? If yes, you should be in DANGEROUS.
Why? Because I wanna tell us how to detect someone lying.

How is it?

  • Inconsistent Behaviour
If usually he/she keeps silent, now he/she will act strangely or unusual. Why? Because they want to be seem don't know anything. Others someone is fibbing through their teeth. He/She looked you continuously to make you felt that he/she didn't do anything untruth.
  • Eye Gaze
When people think or reflect, reasonably when they broke eye contact and look around. However, if one's view is too constant, whether listening or when trying to gain trust, it's a sign of dishonesty.
  • Gestures
Cough, frequent throat clearing , or other gesture by closing themouth can indicate that someone is trying to hide something.
  • Smile
If someone smiles too quickly or does so under unusual circumstances, they may be trying to cover up bad behaviour.

A genuine smile changes a person's whole face
A fake smile appears in an instant, and disappears just as quickly

Alright guys.... This all done, Now Do you want to lie over again?
I suggest you not to do that unthruth acts.

 sorry for the